POLA is a premium cosmetic brand that has built up about 100 years of heritage.
The top prestige line "B.A." is re-establishing the paradigm of aging care by winning 331 global Best Cosmetics Awards in recognition of its excellent skincare product power. With the belief that we do not create products that already exist in the world, we have maintained our history and reputation as a ‘world first’, including the development of the first wrinkle care cosmetics and the discovery of key ingredients for whitening care.

POLA discovered ‘LINC00942’, a key key that not only provides face line and complexion care, but also turns cells related to aging into ‘ageless cells’ that are not affected by aging. This patent technology is implemented in a fundamental approach that can change the "inherited skin constitution" based on the fact that identical twins grow differently depending on their lifestyles, and it plays an important role in maximizing the potential of skin life by awakening the beauty potential of 98% which are asleep and helping to produce collagen in the skin.