1:1 Inquiry
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HDDFS Online
Trade Center branch
Dongdaemun branch
Incheon Int'l Airport branch
Type of inquiry*
Select inquiry type
Change departure information
Passport Info Update Request
Product information
Product search
Reason for cancellation*
Change order history
Cancellation of departure plans
Product not picked up
Change of mind
Cancellation due to sold-out
Bankbook-free transfer refund
Credit card cancellation/refund
Mobile payment cancellation/refund
If you do not have an order history, please select “Inquiry type: other”.
Order no.
Passport Number
Upload image
* Acceptable file format: up to 5MB / JPG, PNG, GIF * Image files only
Collection & Use of Unique Identifying Information (Required)
고유식별 수집항목 정보
Information collected
Purpose of collection/use
Period retained/used
Passport number
To provide membership services, confirm identity for purchase processing, and carry out passport information revision services and respond adequately to customer requests for confirmation of such revisions
Until membership is withdrawn or the purpose for which personal information was collected and used is fulfilled (in the event that information is required by Korean law to be retained for a certain period of time, until such period expires)
Collection & Use of Unique Identifying Information (full text)
※ You have the right to refuse to consent to the collection and use of unique identifying information. If you refuse, you will not be permitted to revise your passport details by submitting a copy of your passport.
Collection & Use of Personal Information (Required)
개인정보의 수집 정보
Information collected
Purpose of collection/use
Period retained/used
Copy of passport page (photo, name, nationality, date of birth, gender, date issued, expiration date)
To provide membership services, confirm identity for purchase processing, and carry out passport information revision services and respond adequately to customer requests for confirmation of such revisions
Destroyed within 30 days of date of passport information revision
Collection & Use of Personal Information (full text)
※ You have the right to refuse to consent to the collection and use of personal information. If you refuse, you will not be permitted to revise your passport details by submitting a copy of your passport.
Reply notification*
Enter directly
Korea (+82)
China (+86)
Taiwan (+886)
Singapore (+65)
Vietnam (+84)
Hong Kong (+852)
Japan (+81)
Australia (+61)
Thailand (+66)
New Zealand (+64)
United States/Canada (+1)
Philippines (+63)
Ghana (+233)
Gabon (+241)
Guyana (+592)
Gambia (+220)
Guadeloupe (+590)
Guatemala (+502)
Guam (+1671)
Vatican City (+379)
Grenada (+1473)
Georgia (+995)
Greece (+30)
Greenland (+299)
Guinea-Bissau (+245)
Guinea (+224)
Namibia (+264)
Nigeria (+234)
South Africa (+27)
Netherlands (+31)
Netherland Anitlles (+599)
Nepal (+977)
Norway (+47)
New Caledonia (+687)
Niger (+227)
Nicaragua (+505)
Denmark (+45)
Dominica (+1767)
Dominican Republic (+1809)
Germany (+49)
Laos (+856)
Liberia (+231)
Latvia (+371)
Russia/Kazakhstan (+7)
Lebanon (+961)
Lesotho (+266)
Romania (+40)
Rwanda (+250)
Luxembourg (+352)
Libya (+218)
Lithuania (+370)
Liechtenstein (+423)
Madagascar (+261)
Marshall Islands (+692)
North Macedonia (+389)
Federated States of Micronesia (+691)
Macau (+853)
Martinique (+596)
Malawi (+265)
Malaysia (+60)
Mali (+223)
Comoros (+269)
Mexico (+52)
Monaco (+377)
Morocco (including Western Sahara) (+212)
Mauritius (+230)
Mozambique (+258)
Montserrat (+1664)
Moldova (+373)
Maldices (+960)
Malta (+356)
Mongolia (+976)
United States Virgin Islands (+1284)
Myanmar (+95)
Vanuatu (+678)
Bahrain (+973)
Barbados (+1246)
Bangladesh (+880)
Bermuda (+1441)
Venezuela (+58)
Benin (+229)
Belarus (+375)
Belgium (+32)
Belize (+501)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (+387)
Botswana (+267)
Bolivia (+591)
Burundi (+257)
Burkina Faso (+226)
Bhutan (+975)
North Korea (+850)
Bulgaria (+359)
French Guiana (+594)
Reunion (+262)
French Polynesia (+689)
Brazil (+55)
Brunei (+673)
Samoa (+685)
Saudi Arabia (+966)
Cyprus (+357)
San Marino (+378)
Sao Tome and Principe (+239)
Senegal (+221)
Seychelles (+248)
Saint Lucia (+1758)
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (+1784)
Saint Kitts and Nevis (+1869)
Saint Helena (+290)
Somalia (+252)
Solomon Islands (+677)
Sudan (+249)
Suriname (+597)
Sri Lanka (+94)
Swaziland (+268)
Sweden (+46)
Switzerland (+41)
Spain (+34)
Slovakia (+421)
Slovenia (+386)
Syria (+963)
Sierra Leone (+232)
United Arab Emirates (+971)
Aruba (+297)
Armenia (+374)
Argentina (+54)
American Samoa (+1684)
Iceland (+354)
Haiti (+509)
Ireland (+353)
Azerbaijan (+994)
Afghanistan (+93)
Andorra (+376)
Antigua and Barbuda (+1268)
Albania (+355)
Algeria (+213)
Angola (+244)
Anguilla (+1264)
Estonia (+372)
Ecuador (+593)
El Salvador (+503)
United Kingdom (+44)
British Virgin Islands (+1340)
Cayman Islands (+1345)
Yemen (+967)
Oman (+968)
Austria (+43)
Honduras (+504)
Jordan (+962)
Uganda (+256)
Uruguay (+598)
Uzbekistan (+998)
Ukraine (+380)
Ethiopia (+251)
Iraq (+964)
Iran (+98)
Israel (+972)
Egypt (+20)
Italy (+39)
Indonesia (+62)
India (+91)
Jamaica (+1876)
Zambia (+260)
Equatorial Guinea (+240)
Central African Republic (+236)
Djibouti (+253)
Gibraltar (+350)
Zimbabwe (+263)
Chad (+235)
Czech Republic (+420)
Chile (+56)
Cameroon (+237)
Cape Verde (+238)
Qatar (+974)
Cambodia (+855)
Kenya (+254)
Costa Rica (+506)
Colombia (+57)
Democratic Republic of the Congo (+243)
Cuba (+53)
Kuwait (+965)
Cook Islands (+682)
Croatia (+385)
Kyrgyzstan (+996)
Kiribati (+686)
Tajikistan (+992)
Tanzania (+255)
Turkey (+90)
Togo (+228)
Tonga (+676)
Turks and Caicos Islands (+1649)
Turkmenistan (+993)
Tuvalu (+688)
Tunisia (+216)
Trinidad and Tobago (+1868)
East Timor (+670)
Panama (+507)
Paraguay (+595)
Faroe Islands (+298)
Pakistan (+92)
Papua New Guinea (+675)
Palau (+680)
Palestine (+970)
Peru (+51)
Portugal (+351)
Falkland Islands (+500)
Poland (+48)
Puerto Rico (+1787)
France (+33)
Fiji (+679)
Finland (+358)
Hungary (+36)
Consent to collection and use of personal information/uniquely-identifying information (required)
Consent to collection and use of personal information/uniquely-identifying information (required)
Collected items of personal information [(*required) name and branch of purchase, mobile phone number, email address] are used solely to process requests and/or complaints. In accordance with relevant laws, all collected information is deleted after a retention period of three years .
※Please note that you have the right to refuse to consent to the collection and use of your personal information. If you refuse to provide such consent, you may be unable to receive consultation services.
Consent to collection and use of personal information/uniquely-identifying information (optional)
Consent to collection and use of personal information/uniquely-identifying information (optional)
Collected items of personal information [(optional) order no., attachments] are used solely to process requests and/or complaints. In accordance with relevant laws, all collected information is deleted after a retention period of three years .
※ Please note that you have the right to refuse to consent to the collection and use of your personal information. If you refuse to provide such consent, you may be unable to receive consultation services.
Additional consent to collection of uniquely-identifying information (optional)
Additional consent to collection of uniquely-identifying information (optional)
Collected items [(optional) passport number] are used solely to process requests and/or complaints. In accordance with relevant laws, all collected information is deleted after a retention period of three years .
※If you do not consent to the collection of uniquely-identifying information, your passport number will not be saved. You also may be unable to receive consultation services.